Welcome to Renew Family Services

Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Center – Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

Our Mission

We provide programs for those struggling with addictions, mental health issues and any other challenges in their lives. Our primary goal is to encourage all individuals to renew themselves to an optimal healthy lifestyle.

Learn more about us

Addiction Treatment Pennsylvania

Our Philosophy

Understanding Addiction

In the heart of Pennsylvania, at Renew Family Services, we view addiction not just as a singular issue but as a complex interplay between mental health, environment, and personal history. Addiction treatment Pennsylvania requires a deep comprehension of these multifaceted layers.

Many individuals see addiction as merely a lack of willpower or moral failing, but it is a profound health issue that necessitates a compassionate, tailored approach. Our understanding of addiction is the bedrock upon which we build our comprehensive treatment plans.

Our Philosophy

At Renew Family Services, we believe in treating the person, not just the addiction. This principle guides our approach to addiction treatment Pennsylvania, focusing on personalized care that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of addiction.

Our philosophy emphasizes the importance of a supportive, non-judgmental environment where individuals can explore their strengths and vulnerabilities. By fostering a culture of understanding and acceptance, we pave the way for genuine healing and renewal.

Services Offered


Detox is often the first step in the recovery process, providing a safe environment for individuals to withdraw from substances under medical supervision. Our team at Renew Family Services ensures that this phase is handled with the utmost care, preparing clients for the next stages of their journey.

Therapy Options

Our therapy sessions, ranging from individual to group sessions, are designed to address the psychological aspects of addiction. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other modalities are utilized to help clients develop healthier coping mechanisms.

We also offer specialized therapy sessions focusing on trauma and co-occurring mental health disorders, acknowledging that many who struggle with addiction are also dealing with other significant challenges.

Aftercare Support

The journey doesn't end with treatment. Aftercare is crucial for maintaining the progress made during rehab. We offer various aftercare options including support groups and continued therapy sessions to ensure our clients remain on the path to recovery.

Our Unique Approach

What sets Renew Family Services apart in addiction treatment Pennsylvania is our commitment to an individualized treatment plan for each client. We understand that no two paths to recovery are the same, and our flexible approach reflects this.

Our team includes professionals from various disciplines, ensuring a holistic treatment program that addresses all aspects of an individual's life. From medical care to spiritual support, we encompass a broad spectrum of resources tailored to each person's needs.

Community Involvement

Recovery doesn't happen in isolation. It's a communal effort. At Renew Family Services, we emphasize the importance of community involvement in the recovery process. Whether it's family therapy sessions or community outreach programs, we believe in harnessing the power of collective support to foster healing and resilience.

Engaging with the community also helps break down the stigma associated with addiction, promoting a more inclusive and understanding society.

Success Stories

Hearing stories of triumph over addiction can be incredibly motivating for those just starting their journey. At Renew Family Services, we celebrate every success, no matter how small. These narratives not only inspire our clients but also remind our team why we do what we do.

From overcoming years of addiction to rebuilding relationships with loved ones, the success stories are as diverse as our clientele.

Choosing the Right Path

Deciding to seek help for addiction is a courageous step. At Renew Family Services, we encourage you to reach out, whether for yourself or a loved one. Addiction treatment Pennsylvania can be a challenging journey, but it's also a profoundly rewarding one.

Our team is here to guide you through every step, providing the support and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of addiction and recovery. Let us be a part of your story of renewal and hope.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, don't hesitate to contact Renew Family Services. Our dedicated staff is ready to provide the care and support necessary for a successful recovery journey. Remember, it's never too late to seek help and make a change for the better.

  • Phone: 267.626.2018
  • Email: hstein@renewfamilyservices.com
  • Location: 8080 Old York Rd, Suite 224, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Your path to renewal starts here. Reach out to us and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.

Community Involvement

What Are Common Misconceptions About Addiction and How Does Renew Family Services Address Them?

One widespread misconception is that addiction is simply a lack of willpower or a moral failing. At Renew Family Services, we understand that addiction is a complex health issue involving mental health, environment, and personal history. We approach addiction with compassion and a personalized treatment plan that addresses not just the addiction but the underlying causes as well. Remember, recognizing the need for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

What Role Does Detoxification Play in the Recovery Process?

Detoxification is often the first step in the recovery journey, serving as a foundation for further treatment. At Renew Family Services, we ensure that this phase is managed with the utmost care, providing a safe environment for individuals to withdraw from substances under medical supervision. It's crucial for preparing clients for the therapeutic work that follows, but it's just the beginning of a comprehensive approach to recovery.

Why Is Personalized Therapy Important in Addiction Treatment?

Every individual's journey with addiction is unique, shaped by their personal history, experiences, and challenges. That's why personalized therapy is central to our approach at Renew Family Services. Modalities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are tailored to fit each client's needs, helping them develop healthier coping mechanisms and address underlying issues, such as trauma or co-occurring mental health disorders.

How Does Community Involvement Contribute to Recovery?

Recovery doesn't occur in isolation; it's significantly enhanced by a supportive community. At Renew Family Services, we emphasize the vital role of community involvement, from family therapy sessions to community outreach programs. This collective support fosters healing and resilience, helping to break down the stigma associated with addiction and creating a more inclusive society. Engaging with others in similar situations also provides invaluable mutual support and understanding.

Why Choose Renew Family Services for Addiction Treatment in Pennsylvania?

Choosing the right path for addiction treatment can be daunting. At Renew Family Services, our unique blend of compassionate care, personalized treatment plans, and a holistic approach to recovery sets us apart. Our team includes professionals from various disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive treatment program that addresses all aspects of an individual's life. Our emphasis on community involvement and aftercare support underline our commitment to not just temporary relief but lasting change. Let us guide you through this journey with the expertise and support you deserve.

Can You Share a Success Story from Renew Family Services?

While respecting the confidentiality of our clients, I can share a generalized but inspiring story of transformation. We once had a client who had been battling addiction for years, feeling utterly hopeless. Through our personalized and compassionate approach, focusing on their strengths and addressing their unique challenges, they gradually began to see changes. They engaged actively in therapy, embraced the community support we offer, and eventually became a source of inspiration for others in recovery. Witnessing such profound changes in our clients reaffirms why we do what we do at Renew Family Services.

How Does One Begin Their Journey With Renew Family Services?

Starting the journey towards recovery can be as simple as reaching out. Contact us at 267.626.2018 or through our email, hstein@renewfamilyservices.com. From the moment you reach out, you'll be met with understanding and support. We'll discuss your needs and explain how our programs can help. Remember, taking that first step, whether for yourself or a loved one, is a courageous act of hope. Let's embark on this path to renewal together.


  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - SAMHSA is the leading agency in the U.S. tackling substance abuse and mental health issues, providing valuable resources for individuals seeking help for addiction.
  • American Psychiatric Association - The American Psychiatric Association offers information on various mental health disorders, including addiction, and provides guidelines for effective treatment.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - NIDA conducts research on drug abuse and addiction, offering evidence-based resources and treatment options for individuals struggling with substance use disorders.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - AA is a fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

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